Welding technology

Welding technology analysis

5-wire submerged arc welding machine for line pipe welding. 

HIC laboratory

Certified HIC laboratories with 35 test stations

In our modern HIC laboratory sour gas tests are mainly carried out on line pipe material.

high-resolution scanning electron microscopy

Efficient tool for microstructural analysis

Using high-resolution scanning electron microscopy, we can precisely characterize microstructural constituents.

Our know-how is based on 90 years of experience in steel research. What can we do for you?

Determination of hydrogen in welds

Hydrogen-induced cold cracks: A treacherous type of defect in weld seam - especially because they often appear days later. With our analytical methods, we qualify welding consumables regarding to their hydrogen content.

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In the creep testing laboratory, we analyze material behavior under complex conditions. 
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cycle test rig

Wether a hydrogen tank in a vehicle has the necessary service life or cylinders are suitable for the transport of gases can answer our new high-pressure cycle test rig. read more

From the Salzgitter Group

Mannesmann Innovations

Intelligent processes, modern materials, innovative products - Mannesmann Line Pipe's steel pipes combine world-renowned quality with future-proof applications.

Initiative Automotive

Within the "Initiative Automotive" we are pooling our specialist skills and are working continuously on the further development of materials, processes and services. In close cooperation with our customers, innovative concepts and ideas for the automotive industry of tomorrow are created.

Our program SALCOS®

SALCOS® (Salzgitter Low CO2 Steelmaking) shows ways in which process-related CO2 emissions in steel production at the Salzgitter steelworks can be significantly reduced in future.